Rhobyn Grant

Running for Lampeter Campus President

It will be my greatest honor to serve as your President here on Lampeter campus for the next year. My devotion to this responsibility will manifest through a wholehearted execution of duty, ensuring an unprecedented standard of respect and compassion for all.  

As a former Black Student Officer in 2022 and a passionate advocate for mental health, my commitment to promoting equality and fostering a safe, inclusive environment for all students is unwavering. I believe in the power of diversity and intend to leverage my experiences as a woman of color to push for meaningful change. 

While acknowledging the existing effective programs for student development, my presidency will concentrate on refinement and innovation. Priorities include: 

  1. Enhancing on-campus mental health services, ensuring their inclusivity and accessibility.  
  2. Implementing programs to eeradicate discrimination and promote diversity. 
  3.  Advocating for underrepresented perspectives in curriculum development and decision-making processes.  
  4.  Establishing resources for survivors of sexual assault and harassment.  
  5.  Collaborating with the National Union of Students to combat systemic injustices and establish a more equitable campus community.  

 Together, let us strive to build a campus community where every student feels valued, supported, and empowered to be great!