Farewell Becky, Martha and Elis

Friday 26-06-2020 - 15:31

This week we said goodbye to our 2019-2020 sabbatical officer team. We asked them to reflect on thier time with the Students' Union and tell us a little bit about what they've got planned next. 




Becky Ricketts 

Group President 2019-2020 



For the last year I have had the pleasure of being your elected Group President, with the year before that being your Carmarthen Campus President – both roles that I have absolutely loved. It has been one of the biggest challenges in my time at UWTSD, but it is a challenge I would take all over again. Listening to you, holding events and focus groups, winning awards and sitting in three hour meetings have all been equally joyous, as I know that each of these, in their own way, I hope has aided students and allowed them to have the best University experience possible. I am incredibly sad to be leaving such a positive Union, but I have full faith that James, Georgia and Tammy will continue the passionate work of the Union, and ensure that you feel represented and supported. Thank you to every single student that sent me a message, an email, stopped to chat at a Pop-Up Union, came to a focus group, attended an event and MORE – we wouldn’t be here without you, and I am forever grateful to everyone that has supported the Union over my last two years. 


Was being a president a good experience and why? 

Being a President was an experience that I never really thought I’d have. I had a really tough time in my third year of my undergrad, and I dropped out around April time when I was mere weeks from finishing my degree and graduating. I came back in September, redid my placement time, and at the same time using my spare hours to be an INSPIRE sustainability intern and Green Officer for Carmarthen. I knew little to nothing when I first got involved, but the SU helped me a lot when I was stuck in a rut, and I wanted to learn how I could give the same support that I was given. It was certainly a learning curve, and I learnt A LOT about the University – the way it works, its priorities, the mechanisms behind the scenes. I can’t say that the whole two years was fun, but then who can say that about any job? It is certainly rewarding, and something that I would like everyone to put their names forward to experience. It is a unique job, with fewer than 500 officers across the UK every year, so it is an excellent talking point and allows you to use skills and learn beyond your degree. 

This year, we have had wins in providing free period products on the Carmarthen campus (with other campuses to follow), introducing a no-detriment safety net policy to protect the grades of those affected by COVID-19. Also £50,000 in mental health funding from HEFCW, running successful International Women’s day celebrations, getting the climate emergency issue on the table in front of the Vice Chancellor and so much more. I want to thank everyone that had a part in making these things happen, because they didn’t happen alone and it is important to recognise the contribution of everyone involved. 


What the next chapter look like for you? 

I move on from TSDSU to NUS Wales! I was elected President of NUS Wales back in February, and I have two more years of student representation, advocacy and working for students ahead of me. I am absolutely thrilled to be the third TSDSU President in a row to be elected to this position, and so big thanks goes to the attendees of the NUS Wales Annual Conference for voting me in! After 2022, who knows? I’d honestly love to stay working in Students’ Unions or Universities, as there is so much good work that is done by Students’ Unions, and I’d love to be a part of that. 


Do you have any advice for the next president team? 

Good things take time. Policies and manifesto points won’t be solved in a day. Your mental wellbeing is crucially important. You will not please every student all of the time. Take opportunities as they are presented to you. Go out and listen to students, rather than talking to them – they have a lot to say, and it’s usually right. Read papers and notes as you are given them. If you’re not sure about the student opinion on something, ask them! Ensure you use CC and BCC correctly in emails. Use social media to your advantage, and use it for good. Enjoy yourselves and believe in yourselves – the students of this university voted you in for a reason. 


Do you have any advice for new/returning students? 

  • Things will look a little different to the usual, or what you imagined. But this is YOUR university experience, and you have rights as students. If you’re struggling with something or aren’t happy with something, tell us! We can only help if we know there is a problem, so don’t ever feel like your problem isn’t big enough for others to help you with, because the sooner we know, the sooner we can support you.  

  • Apply for bursaries!! We know students struggle with cash and there are pots of money provided by the University that are available to students to apply for to support you through your studies. Educational bursaries, childcare bursaries, bursaries for IT equipment, internship funds and more are all there for you to look at and apply for. 

  • Support your peers. Some will be going through difficult times right now, and it is more important than ever that, where you are able, that you offer support and a listening ear. The rise in mental health disclosures at Universities, the trauma of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, unexpected bereavement due to COVID-19 and more will be affecting those around you. Be kind to others, and treat those around you as you wish to be treated, to help create a supportive and equal society. 


Take care, I will miss you all dearly. 




Martha Warren 

Lampeter Campus President 2019-2020 



Hi everyone, as we come to the end of what I know has been a challenging term, I want to congratulate you all on how wonderfully you have adapted and continue to shine through such a difficult time. As this will be my last blog, I also want to thank you all for everything you’ve done this year. There have been so many wonderful student led events this year and when lockdown hit and we thought that was it, you rose again and have banded together as a wonderful Lampeter community and I know loads of you are continuing to do amazing stuff. I want to wish all of you the very best for the future. After 5 years, I’m going to miss Lampeter and all its wonderful students so much, but I know I am leaving you in the very capable hands of my successor.   
Please never forget how special you all are, and how special your time at University has been. As many move away, onwards and upwards, always remember where you learnt it all, remember where memories were made and remember the friendships. Like it or not, Lampeter is with us all now, so let’s do it proud.  
Good Luck Tam; the reins are yours now. x 


Was being a president a good experience and why?  

Being Lampeter President has been such an amazing experience. It has definitely been a challenging year, especially these last few months, when we have had to cancel all our plans and adapt so quickly to a new way of working. This year was my fifth and final year in Lampeter and it was amazing to be able to help students and help improve the student experience. I have also gained wisdom and experience in areas that normally only someone many years my senior would have, something extremely valuable which I will carry with me.  

There have been so many wonderful memories from this year; we all love the doggo days and the trips were great, but for me Wear It Pink was one of my favourite days. I was so so proud of how much we managed to raise and the fact that people learnt stuff and had fun just made it so much better. 


What the next chapter look like for you? 

​ I still have a year left of my Masters (part-time) so I'll be working on my dissertation. The plan was to get a job in a museum while I do this, but with the current situation that plan had to change. I'm now hoping to Au Pair for a family abroad for a while which I think will be fun and a great way to explore more of the world.


Do you have any advice for the next president team? 

My advice for the incoming sabbs is enjoy it! Time flies by and often you're so busy, but take a moment to enjoy it, or to be proud of what you have achieved. Also please take time off, this job is amazing and wonderful, but it is also hard work and you need to take time for yourself. 


Do you have any advice for new/returning students?  

To any students new or old, I would recommend getting involved. Involved in SU run events, in sports clubs, societies, and stuff going on in the town. Make the most of the amazing opportunities around you. Yes, you are here to study, but you're also here to have fun and grow as a person. From personal experience, joining a club or a society is a great way to meet new people and make friendships which will far outlast your time at uni. Challenge yourself to try something new!  




Elis Allsopp 

Carmarthen Campus President 2019-2020 



I have had so many fantastic opportunities during my year to develop both professionally and as an individual. The SU staff are incredible in every way, they are SO supportive and an absolute pleasure to work with.  

This year has been a whirlwind of challenges for students, University restructure, SU staff changes, mental health, Brexit marches for the EU referendum, standing against racism and inequality with Black lives Matter, Covid-19...We have endured so much. You are resilient! I’m humbled to have been your president through it all, and immensely proud of all that you have achieved with us at the Student Union. It’s not all doom & gloom, I’m leaving with some fond memories of my time at TSDSU too, from introducing our new CEO Steve, to wandering Manchester city for Conferences.  

 Last but certainly not least I have Becky and Martha to thank for being the most exemplary Sabbs I could’ve ever worked alongside, I am profoundly thankful for their dedication, drive and inspiration to deliver change and develop fantastic experiences for students.  


So, what’s next for me? 

As we face uncertainty with Covid, I’m in my natural element of going with the flow! I will be returning home to Cardiff and come September I’m hoping to join a Civil service program to further my career. Additionally, I’m hoping to travel across most of Europe sometime, when travelling is easier so continue my adventures of seeing the world and its people. 


As I go, I leave you some advice: 

To our new Sabbatical officers: 

Communicate, seize every opportunity to bond together as a team and continue learning. Continue to challenge yourselves and support each other, and I am certain you will all achieve some fantastic wins for students. You have such a fantastic and unique experience ahead of you! 


To New students:  

Welcome! It’s been 4 years since I first came here, and I can remember vividly how daunting it was for me to be in a new environment with no pre-established connections (I was your typical introvert back then). My advice to you: From your classmates, flat mates to students you meet on campus, remember University life is about the experience- and those you share it with. Be Bold and try something new. You’ll find the SU can bring a lot of unique opportunities for you to join in and meet new people along the way, and this will shape your university life. 


For our returning students:  

The SU has undergone a lot of changes this year, new Sabbs, new CEO. It’s an exciting year of changes, and you can be the center of it all! The SU needs your guidance to be what you want to be, so my advice: Be heard. Engage with the SU, let them know what you want, and lend a hand in shaping it- you can achieve great things together. 


Whether you are returning to us next year, or moving forward in life- To all students: 

 I wish you all the very best, and from the bottom of my heart an immense thank you for giving me this opportunity to be your president. I wouldn’t have been here without you, and we wouldn’t have done all that we have without you either.  










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