Go Green...yn Gymraeg

Tuesday 03-05-2022 - 09:00

Our INSPIRE Intern Ffion is exploring another type of sustainability, that of the Welsh language. Read about why she thinks Welsh is important and how she plans to promote its use at UTWSD and beyond.


By: Ffion Hann-Jones

Carmarthen Welsh Language INSPIRE Intern


Why is the Welsh language important?

I feel very grateful to have the opportunity to be the Welsh Inspire Intern for Carmarthen. The Welsh language and culture of Wales is important and I’m proud of our Welsh identity and roots. I’m very proud that I can promote and encourage the use of Welsh around university. This role has allowed me to meet new people and collaborate with those who I share similar interests with. It’s also allowed me to practice my Welsh since at home I’m the only Welsh speaker in my family. I value this role a great deal and with every task I complete I gain a sense of accomplishment. The Welsh language is one of the oldest languages in Europe, emerging around 400 – 700 AD. It’s believed to be approximately 4,000 years old, therefore we must appreciate and protect it at all costs. Having been in Welsh education my whole life, I’m aware of how being bilingual can provide you with great opportunities. I also wanted to show others that learning Welsh doesn’t have to be difficult, we offer free Welsh lessons on campus for students and staff. I hope to see more people using the Welsh language in the future, whether that be in the workplace or social settings. The Welsh Government aims to have 1 million Welsh speakers in Wales by 2050. I think this is an excellent idea, but more should be done to encourage the use of the language. As a Primary Education student, I believe more funding should be given to improving Welsh education, as this will allow the language to reach younger generations. I also believe no matter how good or bad you think your Welsh is, everyone should feel proud that they understand simple phrases such as ‘bore da’ or ‘shwmae’. I encourage all learners and staff, whether Welsh-speakers or not, to take this opportunity to understand the importance of the Welsh language today.




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