How to support friends and classmates during Ramadan

Thursday 04-04-2024 - 14:00
Supporting friends during ramadan

Ramadan Mubarak to all our members observing Ramadan.

If you're not observing Ramadan, you might have fellow students studying with you that are.

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Hijri (Islamic) lunar calendar, during this time many Muslims will fast during the day (between dawn and dusk), which means they won’t eat or drink (even water) during these hours. 

They will usually eat breakfast before the sun rises and will break their fast with dinner after the sun has set. 

Ramadan will last a month (Ramadan started on the 10 March) and this means that there are a couple of things you should consider to support your friends and fellow students during this and future Ramadans.

Stay connected

Check in with your friends and classmates, ask them how they are doing, don’t leave them out of plans – which leads on to the next point…

Be flexible with plans 

If you’re organising a get-together with friends, does it need to be for lunch? Or for coffee? Could it be something without food or drink, like a walk or a board game session? Or could it be later in the evening when their fast has been broken? These are little things to think about and change to be more considerate of those who are fasting.

Ask your friends 

Everyone is different and wants/needs different things from friends – you can ask your friends how you can help support them.

Remember people observe Ramadan in different ways

There are multiple reasons why some Muslims don’t fast during Ramadan and these can be very personal, don’t ask why someone isn’t fasting and be respectful of each individual’s way of observing Ramadan.

Find out more about Ramadan 

There is plenty of information and resources about Ramadan and its importance to Muslims around the world – don’t be afraid to read more into it, find out what it is about and learn along the way. 

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