🎉 LGBTQ+ Book Giveaway - win one of these books!

Tuesday 01-02-2022 - 12:00

As mentioned in our launch blog, your chances to win a free LGBTQ+ themed book starts here. Below are the recommended reads you could pick from.  

Scroll down and look at each title, when you have look through them all you can use the form at the end of this blog to enter the prize-draw and potentially win your free copy. 


The Stonewall Reader  

Edited by the New York Public Library 

The Stonewall riots were a pivotal moment in the history of queer politics. This book talks about how the LGBTQ+ community stood up to police brutality and societal oppression. Until recently the contributions of Lesbians, Trans women of colour have been overlooked and this book shows the extent to which they helped towards the fight.  


One Last Stop 

Casey McQuiston  

Recommended by our SU Health and Wellbeing Assistant, she said the following: 

 "As a bi/pan/queer person myself, ‘One Last Stop’ checks all my boxes. One part mystery, one part coming of age-esque bisexual love story, and one part 70’s lesbian electricity, the characters are diverse, well developed, and easy to love. Clear your schedule because you won’t be able to put this one down after the first few chapters. I promise." 

- Michaella Batten 


The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo 

Taylor Jenkins Reid 

This book was recommended by our fabulous Lampeter LGBT+ (Open Space) PTO Bronnie. 

“I don’t even know where to begin with this book. It made me laugh, and cry, and scream – I think the pages are actually crumpled from where it’s been thrown across the room. I found this book through TikTok and read it without knowing that the main character was bisexual. The beauty about this story is that it gives every element time to develop and expand and follows a queer experience through history to present day. Taylor Jenkins Reid does an excellent job at tackling difficult conversations and stereotypes. This glamourous tale always has a twist to leave you reeling. It truly is the most engaging and remarkable book I’ve read. Definitely deserves all the hype it receives.” 

 - Bronnie Caine 


Simon James Green 

Any novel by this author is recommended by our wonderful Student Voice Rep Saskia.  

“Simon James Green is my favourite author ever! His novels focus on young gay characters who are beautifully crafted in such a vivid way that you can instantly see them and the scenes. They are hysterical whilst also dealing with real issues of love, loss and sexuality. Every book he has ever written is incredible. He has such a refreshing tone and is so easy to read. You can quite easily get through them in a few days and are so fast paced. The characters are also so relatable since most of us were an awkward teenager at some point!”

- Saskia Judd 



Trans Britain – Our Journey From The Shadows 

Christine Burns 

The book is brilliant for broadening understanding of gender identity and trans issues which can be daunting; it’s a great place to start to listen to trans people tell their stories. Trans Britain chronicles the journey of a marginalised community into the public eye. 



Let’s Talk About Love  

Claire Kann 

This book has been recommended by Lampeter LGBT+ (Open Space) PTO Bronnie. They felt this book was superb in defining and representing their own asexuality, almost to the point of viewing it in a mirror. 

“I actively went searching for books featuring asexual characters once I began questioning my place within the asexual spectrum. When I tell you I devoured this book… Alice, the main character, is one of the most relatable overthinkers I’ve seen in fiction. She represents the concerns and approaches that many in the asexuality community go through. The trials and tribulations of love, friendship, school and family are all things I’m sure many of us can relate too. This is the first time I ever saw myself represented and understood that my definition of love, and the way I experience and practice love, is valid.” 

- Bronnie Caine 



‘A Tale of magic’, ‘A Tale of Witchcraft’ and ‘A Tale of Sorcery’ 

Chris Colfer 

A series of books recommended by Saskia that could be enjoyed by some of our students who are also parents. 

“For any students with children this series is a great way to introduce them to the LGBTQIA+ community without bombarding them with information. The main LGBT+ themes are in the third book, but it shows a young character accepting himself.” 

- Saskia Judd 


This final book from our recommendations was recommended by Michaela from the SU. 


Lord of the Butterflies 

Andrea Gibson 

"Lord of the Butterflies’ is a nuanced look at gender, romance, queerness, and family. Andrea Gibson’s weaves their poetic magic throughout, dancing upon the lines where each theme intersects. This collection of poems is one of my all-time favourites and one I have read again and again, each time unravelling more of what it means to be queer. I cannot recommend this book highly enough."

- Michaella Batten 

So... there they are, our LGBTQ+ themed book recommendations that you can win. (Remember we do have more recommendations, email for a full list). 

This competition closes on Friday the 25th of February at 5pm. At the end of the month, we will reveal the lucky winners and the books will then be sent out shortly after.  

Click here to enter

Good luck all! 


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