Giving student-led success stories the recognition they deserve with our brand new "That's A Student Win!" Webpage. When students come together with passion and purpose, incredible things happen. No win goes under the radar - no matter how big or small they are.
While these wins are driven by students, they’re supported by us and we’re proud to offer guidance, resources, and encouragement along the way. Together, we’ve proven time and time again that Students + The Students’ Union = Great Things.
A student win is any success story that makes things better — whether it’s for your student experience, campus life, local community or even the environment. Big or small, these victories represent the heart of what we do as a Students’ Union, and with teamwork the sky is the limit!
We’ve seen students achieve incredible milestones over the years:
Our new student wins webpage is live at, and is our hub of the amazing things students are achieving to help enhance your student experience – with this, you won't miss out on any win big or small!