Student Trustees

You should run to be a student trustee if you are interested in how organisations make decisions, are keen to ensure that the Students’ Union works for the benefit of UWTSD students, and want to help shape the strategy and future direction of the organisation.

These are two voluntary positions, through out-of-pocket expenses are available to enable trustees to attend Trustee Board meetings. Student Trustees help to ensure that the Union is being run in the best interests of students at UWTSD by scrutinising performance and making sure that the Union is complying with the law and being run in a financially sustainable way.

Trustees have legal control over and are personally responsible for, an organisation. 

A full induction to the Board and trustee training is provided to all successfully elected Student Trustees. The Board meets four times a year (usually 10 am - 3 pm) and each Trustee is also allocated a sub-committee which meets three times a year (usually for 90 minutes a time).


To be eligible to become a Trustee:

  • You must be at least 18 years old to be a trustee of the Students’ Union.
  • You may not act as a trustee if you are disqualified under the Charities Act. This includes if you:
  • Are disqualified as a company director
  • Have an unspent conviction for an offence involving dishonesty or deception (such as fraud)
  • Are an undischarged bankrupt (or subject to sequestration in Scotland), or have a current composition or arrangement including an individual arrangement (IVA) with your creditors
  • Have been removed as a trustee of any charity by the commission (or the court) because of misconduct or mismanagement