Greetings earthlings!

Tuesday 14-02-2017 - 14:26


Greetings earthlings!


For those who don’t know me, I’m Amy and in November I was elected by the student body as the Carmarthen Green Officer – YAY! This means I have the absolute privilege of attending Student Council, fortnightly Sustainability Committee and represent the student body on all things green. I also have the pleasure of hosting environmentally related events and campaigns and work with both the University and Students Union to make UWTSD more earth friendly.


Over the past three months I’ve been incredibly busy and have some really exciting news to announce;


Firstly, we now have a Facebook group ‘UWTSD Earth Lovers’ for all things environmental - Check it out and don’t forget to click the subscribe button to stay up to date with events. There is also the page UWTSD Go Green run by the Environmental Office, so give that a like too. If you’re on Twitter too, feel free to give @OutdoorDreads a follow too, many tweets are surrounding environmental issues, news, and campus (+ surrounding) events.


Save The Bees

As I’m sure you’ve all already heard, bees are declining rapidly; three species of bumblebee are already extinct and a quarter of bees in the UK are now listed as endangered species. The most frightening part is that without bees, humans will literally die, and so I’ve been in meetings left, right and centre with various departments of the University, with Bee Friendly Wales and Carmarthen Friends of the Earth in order to make UWTSD Carmarthen an official ‘Bee Friendly Campus’. If you’d like to get involved, just drop me a message or come along to any of the events.


Other issues, campaigns and projects I’m currently working on involve the food at the Halliwell’s Merlin Restaurant and Starbucks, relating to more healthy, ready to go Vegetarian and Vegan friendly dishes, the reduction of food waste, more collaboration with community, cross-campus and national events and campaigns. With the current parking dilemma, I’m also working on a car pool, ride share project as an alternative to getting of more green space so more people can park their cars. Outdoor, weather protected bike storage in student accommodation and key areas on campus are a must.


Key Dates;


Monday 13th February

TSDSU’S BUY SELL SWAP at the Students Union, 11am - 2pm. Do you have any unwanted items you’d like to sell, swap or give away? Get your friends together, come along and have a table to kick start the annual Go Green Week! Whether it be books, clothes, equipment, sports kit, technical gear, instruments, bags, bedroom decor or even a box of cereal! Upcycle your life at TSDSU’S BUY SELL +SWAP this Monday 13th Feb! ♻❤


Tuesday 14th February

UNIVERSITY VINTAGE FAIRS visits TSDSU Carmarthen! From 11am - 5pm, UVF will be spreading Vintage love with their fabulous vintage wear.


Wednesday 15th February

HELP BUILD A BEE GARDEN ON CAMPUS! We’re planting bee friendly wildflower and making bee hotels. Join us @ the Sports Hall (behind Noakes), 2-4pm.


Tuesday 21st February

BEE MEETING with Bee Friendly Wales + Friends of the Earth Carmarthen @ Carmarthen Public Library. Come along if you’d like to get involved in helping make UWTSD a bee friendly university and to share ideas and make plans on how we, as students, can make a difference.


Monday 27th February

LLANSTEFFAN BEACH CLEAN with Keep Wales Tidy and Llansteffan Coastcare, meet at beach car park recycling point, 10am - 12pm.


These are just a few events happening in the next week or so, so be sure to check out the social media pages to be in the loop; Of course, if you have any ideas, questions or environmental interests you’d like to make happen, come and have a chat.


Peace & love,

Green Officer Dreads


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