Welcome to Fencing Society (Lampeter)!
This Society is currently in lead. Do you think you could take the reins and bring the Fencing Society (Lampeter) back to life? The club has a mix of beginners and more experienced fencers, so those new to fencing are more than welcome to join us.
Fencing has three styles: foil, epèe and sabre. Our club focuses on foil, but does fence epèe and sabre. Sessions range from group or one-on-one coaching lessons to practice tournaments and matches en piste.
We have a large collection of fencing equipment, including safety clothing and weapons; this means you can fence at the club without personally owning equipment beforehand.
The club takes a team to the Welsh Universities Open Championships every year.
Siân, an exec member from a previous year, had this to say about the club:
“I enjoyed fencing at Lampeter because it provided me with cheap and easy access to a sport that I’d wanted to do since I was a child. After training, it wasn’t long before we were on the piste, no matter what level we were at. The execs were friendly, and took the time to provide people with one to one help, which was good for me because I was at times too shy to ask for help when we were taught collectively.”
Siân started fencing at Lampeter and went on to win joint third place in Women’s Foil and Women’s Foil Best Novice at the Welsh Universities Championships in 2015, the same academic year she started fencing.
Here, our coach Sean Slater, gives a breakdown of his coaching experience: “I have been fencing for many years and started coaching some 21 years ago, having previously fenced for the Army, the Civil Service and latterly, at Veteran level, for Great Britain and Wales. A Lampeter graduate, I was Captain of Fencing and fenced for the university club on many occasions. I have coached the club since 2000 with a short break. I am a British Fencing registered three weapons coach and an Associate of the British Academy of Fencing. I have coached locally at a large Public School as well as running and coaching my own Lampeter Town Club which has produced a sizable number of Welsh junior internationalists.”
Join Us!
Ready to join? Your first day is free so you can give it a try and see how you feel. Email us at 2312567@student.uwtsd.ac.uk (president), or come along to one of our sessions! You can also just hit the button to become a member now!
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What We Offer
For just £10 a year for UWTSD students and £11 for non-students, you get access to all our activities and events. Think of it as a one-time cinema ticket cost or a few cups of coffee for a whole year of fun,
This Society is currently in lead. Do you think you could take the reins and bring the Fencing Society (Lampeter) back to life? Email suopportunities@uwtsd.ac.uk for more information.
President - Ieuan Nelson (2312567)
Secretary – VACANT
Treasurer - VACANT