Medieval Society (Carmarthen)

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The Medieval Society is a 12th Century re-enactment group based in Carmarthen portraying events between the years 1135 - 1215. From dynamic and exciting massed combat or knights displaying their prowess in a tourney, to displays of archery, woodworking, metalworking, fletching, cooking, and more, the Medieval Society presents you with the workings of 12th Century life.



So, whether you are interested in fighting with medieval weaponry, shooting bows, or partaking in any number of medieval craft, then we are the society for you. Did we also mention that we travel all over Wales and England spending the weekend at medieval castles putting on shows for the public?


We train every Sunday from 12pm (see Map) and do crafts every Friday from 6.30pm! Hope to see you soon!


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President: Krys King
Secretary: Catrin Edwards
Treasurer: Ricky Cooper