

by Deleted User 20 October 2017, 20:28

Category: Catering

Actions for SU
For the SU to ensure that a microwave is available to students on campus in Carmarthen during the working day.

Official Response

Completed – a microwave is available upstairs in the Students’ Union and Taphouse 72 have agreed that students may eat their own food in the venue.

Date Passed

Rob Simkins

Rhys Dart

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Hi there,

Just a suggestion that has come from a variety of people is about having a microwave somewhere where students can reheat their food.

As it can be quite expensive to eat in the university everyday for day students, and also cold food sometimes just doesn't supress the appetite.

I am aware there was a microwave in the Haliwell for students to use, however this year it seems to have gone.

Kind regards


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    Deleted User   wrote, 24-10-2017 - 10:34

    Hi Jennifer, there's a microwave in the SU office as well that you'd be welcome to use for the time being - and I know that Rob Simkins is keen to see if we can get an additional microwave added somewhere else on campus as well. Thanks for your idea!

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    Deleted User   wrote, 27-10-2017 - 10:26

    Hi Jennifer - we passed a project form on Wednesday to change one of the rooms in the upstairs of the Carmarthen SU Building into a space with a microwave and some sofas for this purpose. It's also worth noting that Taphouse 72 (the bar & cafe in the SU Building) have agreed to let students bring and eat their own food in their space, so you don't have to hide away!

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    Deleted User   wrote, 14-11-2017 - 12:59

    Hi Jennifer, great idea, a microwave would be useful in the school of early years building especially for evening students as most have come straight from work. I know you can pre- order food in the small café before closing time but a microwave would be so convenient for all.

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