Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an important once-a-year meeting that all students are welcome to attend. Here's what usually happens:

  • We present a review of what's been achieved in the past academic year.
  • You have a chance to review and vote on student-submitted ideas (Motions). 
  • To vote on our Affiliations
  • To review our budget.

The next Annual General Meeting takes place on the 29th November 2023, at 3pm. The event will be held on Teams.

Our Union Chairperson usually chairs the meeting - they are impartial and make sure that the meeting is running on time and all students have a fair chance to speak. Attending and participating in an AGM is one of the most effective ways to make sure your voice is being heard. 


A Motion is a student-submitted idea that gets presented and debated at the AGM for a chance to become Union policy. To submit an idea, you need to complete the Motion template form and have another student second your idea. Once you have done that, send your form to Motions need to be submitted in advance of our AGM by the Motion deadline.

Download Motion Template

Voting on a Motion

Once a Motion has been presented at our AGM, students can vote for it or against it, or abstain from voting.

Procedural Motions Explained

Procedural Motions are actions that students can put forward which are voted on. This gives students the opportunity to move the meeting on or call for a new chair for example. This is detailed within our bye-laws, and a student can propose a Procedural Motion, but it must be seconded by another student and then voted on before it can happen.

Procedural Motion 

What does this mean? 

A motion of no confidence in the Chair for the rest of the meeting 

If this procedural motion is passed, the Vice-Chair will take over the chairing duties. If there is no Vice-Chair available this will move to a Sabbatical Officer.  

A challenge to the Chair’s ruling 

If this procedural motion is passed, the Chair's decision will instead be put to a vote.

This procedural motion can be used when the Chair makes a ruling, or a decision about a rule, misapplies a rule, or makes a ruling outside of the scope of the AGM.

That the motion be taken in parts 

If this procedural motion passes, then the motion that is being discussed will be broken down into parts by the Chair and voted on separately. This is only possible for certain motions, as if the motion cannot be broken down it cannot be voted on separately.  

That the matter be put to the vote 

If this procedural motion passes, then the discussion will stop and go straight to a vote.  

That a re-count be held 

If this procedural motion passes, the vote will be held again and recounted.  

That the order of business is changed 

If this procedural motion passes, the meeting will move to the next item on the agenda; all discussion will stop, and the matter will not be voted on (if applicable)  


An Affiliation is an official connection and partnership between organisations. We are currently affiliated with the National Union of Students (NUS) and British University and College Sports (BUCS). At the AGM you'll have the chance to vote on our affiliations.


At the AGM you'll have the opportunity to view our accounts. 

Annual General Meeting Minutes

Here's the official archive of our Annual General Meeting minutes. Click the links below to download a PDF of the minutes. If you have any questions or need assistance, please email

2018 Annual General Meeting Minutes (PDF 0.3MB)

2022 Annual General Meeting Minutes (EN) 

2023 Annual General Meeting Minutes (En)