The Environment Society

  • Cinema icon
  • Environmentaries Dylan Thomas Centre Theatre Dydd Mercher 24-04-2024 - 17:00 tan Dydd Mercher 24-04-2024 - 19:00

Mae'r digwyddiad hwn wedi dod i ben neu nid yw'r digwyddiad bellach ar gael.


17:00 - 19:00, Wednesday 24th April
Dylan Thomas Centre

A chilled-out social evening hosted by Swansea's Environment Society.

You'll have the chance to chat with and watch an environmental-themed documentary.

Snacks are advised, but please keep labels if you plan to share. 


Tickets 🎟

This is a free event but spaces are limited - book your ticket to secure your place.


Lleoliad : Dylan Thomas Centre Theatre

Math: Abertawe

Dyddiad dechrau: Dydd Mercher 24-04-2024 - 17:00

Dyddiad gorffen: Dydd Mercher 24-04-2024 - 19:00

Nifer y lleoedd: 40

Manylion cyswllt

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